We can help anyone looking for employment. Through the PA Careerlink we help people find good, high-wage jobs in occupations and industries that are in demand locally. Impact also has special programs focused on those who are re-entering the workforce after incarceration through partnerships with the Department of Corrections. Additionally, we know that a career pathway will assist to keep people from entanglement with the carceral system, and therefore we seek to create opportunities for people who want to move away from alternative economies.
Apply for Benefits
Our BenePhilly coordinators offer free one-on-one enrollment support to help Philadelphia residents apply for over 20 public benefits, including SNAP, TANF, and Medicaid. A trained counselor will assist you with your application, organize your documents, and track the status of your application.
For more information call 215-739-1600
Find Career Resources
We are the selected service provider operating the PA CareerLink Philadelphia Northwest center at 5847 Germantown Ave. Through CareerLink, you can search from thousands of job opportunities and events in Pennsylvania and explore a variety of career resources to help you find your next job.
For more information call 215-987-6503
Re-Entry Opportunities
We have workforce development programs specifically designed for those who are re-entering the workforce after incarceration. We set you up with a case manager to help with job training, job readiness and placement.
We can also assist inmates incarcerated in the Philadelphia Prison System get the identity documents they need to be able to apply for employment and benefits.
Kensington Allegheny Business Association
KABA is an organization of local business owners and managers working together to support local businesses and attract more customers to K&A to encourage economic growth and community involvement.
What we do:
Hold monthly meetings with business owners
Corridor cleaning
Maintain relationships with local organizations, authorities and service providers
Help businesses access funds to improve storefronts and expand their businesses
Maintain a list of available properties for interested investors
Aramingo BID
Over the last 13 years, the Aramingo Business Improvement District has grown to include over 100 businesses along Aramingo Avenue, between Westmoreland Street and the I-95 on ramp. The BID collectively supports maintenance workers who pick up litter and Safety Ambassadors who patrol the commercial corridor. We have assisted business owners with their employment needs and helped them gain access to financing through the Impact Loan Fund.
We are partnering with Rebuild to offer a workforce development program designed to promote diversity and inclusion in the construction industry. Through this, we will provide people of color and women new pathways to skilled trade union apprenticeships.
The Rebuild Programs offer:
Accelerated placement with union contractors and/or union apprenticeships.
Cohort-based career development training.
OSHA safety training.
Basic construction training.
A wage-based training stipend.
Union onboarding supports (initial dues payments, starter tools, etc.).
Ongoing coaching and professional supports.